1 European patent application granted yesterday. After 4 years we’re no longer a patent pending company!

2 Multinational engineering companies interested in sublicensing our technology

3 million pounds in grantfunded R&D completed by University of Birmingham and Aston University

4% of the world’s electricity is consumed by water treatment!

x5 concentration target set by Cornish Lithium to concentrate their lithium brine

x7 concentration achieved in Cornish Lithium field trial

10 years of R&D at the University of Birmingham and Aston University

<11 micro Siemens – the result of our test to create ultrapure water. The industry standard is <20 micro Siemens

17% of the current energy consumption our system would use compared to that of a comparable system used by a major high-volume dairy

>20 industrial applications identified for our system, and counting

99% recovery achieved versus a target of 85% recovery set for us by a global water treatment player

4.9m pounds is the value of Salinity Solutions in the current investment round

18bn dollars is the size of the industrial wastewater treatment market forecasted by 2028

500bn dollars is the predicted size of the global water treatment market by 2028.